

With Helpfruit Articles you can manage more detailed, long-form help content alongside your FAQ.

FAQ are automatically connected to articles via tags.

Publish to, browse and search for both articles and questions in Help Pages.

How to create Articles

To start writing an article, navigate to Articles in the Helpfruit portal and click + Add article to get started.

Give your article a title, tag(s), and use the editor to add text, images, video and more.

If you already have the content for your article drafted elsewhere, try copying and pasting straight into the editor.

Save as draft with version notes, if you like, and when you're ready, publish your article.


Where are articles published?

Published articles appear alongside your FAQ on Help Pages.


Selected editor features


Use built in heading styles to keep your content structured

Table of contents

Add a dynamic table of contents based on your headings

Images, videos, links

Fully featured linking and embedding:

  • Upload and insert images
  • Add or embed videos and other media
  • Add a link to a file (eg a PDF), another article, or a website

Add tables to display data

Use the table menu for all the table features you'd expect, including sorting, merge, copy, insert etc

