
Collect details before a live chat conversation

Do you want to collect a person's name or other details before handing the conversation to an agent for live chat?

This is possible in Helpfruit, using a combination of context, engagements and forms. Here's how to build the flow.

Step one: set up context keys

Decide the details you would like to collect from your users before initiating live chat. Set these up as context keys.

Step two: set up context collection form

  1. In Forms, click New Form and select Context collection form - Template

2. Give your form a name.

3. Set up your welcome and completed responses to suit.

4. Add question/s to collect the information you need. Make sure that they match existing context keys

Save your form and make sure it's set to Publish.

Step three: set up first engagement 

How will live chat be prompted? Create an engagement for this scenario.

In this example, the user will see the Live chat button when the chatbot can't answer a question:

Step four: add live chat button

Add a live chat button to the engagement you've just set up.

You have a couple of options here for the button:

  1. Engagement event

    This engagement event can then trigger an intermediary pair of engagements - one which will fire during live chat hours (if you have a schedule set up) and another outside of live chat hours. For example:
  2. Context collection form 

    In this scenario the button will directly trigger the form you set up in Step two above

Step five: set up a post-form engagement

Create a new engagement:

  1. Name your engagement - e.g. Live chat after details form
  2. When will engagement appear? - select "After Form Completed"
  3. Specify your Context collection form
  4. Type - select "Trigger live chat"

Now, when an agent gets a new live chat, any details collected ahead of the chat will be pre-populated in the Conversation information section of the live chat screen.

