
Conversation insights

Use conversation insights to view an entire conversation in the Helpfruit portal. This means it's possible to see the sequence of questions, forms and interactions for anyone chatting to your bot - a complete picture of your users' conversations with your bot.

How to access conversations

Navigate to Insights > Conversations to see all conversations for the selected time period or channel. You can then click View to see the detail of a particular conversation, including:

  • Question(s) asked
  • Whether GPT was used to enhance the user's question
  • Answer(s) given, and their score
  • Form fills
  • Engagements
  • Language
  • Location information
  • Page(s) visited
  • Browser

Conversation history from Q&A insights

Access conversation history directly from Q&A insights to see the last conversation that question was asked in. Click the three dots to the left of the question to view the question in conversation history.


User context in conversation history

If your bot is installed on a logged in environment, or you've collected information in the chat, via a chat form, you can display contextual information about the user in the conversation history. Contact us to discuss getting this set up.
