
Custom actions via buttons in the bot

Custom actions allow selected actions to be triggered in the bot, via a button shown to the user.

Some custom actions are configurable, as part of our Forms and Engagements features, allowing our customers to further enhance and customise their chatbot user experience.

Other custom actions relate to buttons that are built into Helpfruit and it's features. These cannot be changed.

Types of custom actions

Each custom action triggers a unique behaviour within the bot.

Customer-configurable actions

Typically, these actions relate to API forms and engagements. For example, an API can return a button that, when clicked, will trigger a form or an engagement event. This is the custom action.

Note: The click step is required - an API form can’t directly trigger a custom action.

Change Language

  • changes language
  • Could be used with a form where the preferred language is collected or detected from the page as context.

Activate Form

Initiates a chat form.


The following is returned by an API call

  • Try again button – triggers same API form again
  • Contact the team button – triggers the contact form

Page Event 

Use this action to trigger an engagement event

  • Use Event Name to trigger the correct engagement event
  • Can join multiple engagements together in this way


Bot Message

Sends a message to the user on the chatbot’s behalf. It shows it in the chat widget as though the bot had typed it.

In this example, the bot message is "OK, ask me another question if you like"

Set Context 

Set some context via the user-initiated click of the button, which can be stored for later use.

This could be something like choose your home region: Auckland | Wellington


Other actions

Other actions are built into the bot, and are not configurable.

Contact us if there's a specific custom action you don't see here, or something specific you'd like to achieve with buttons in your chatbot.
