
Help Pages

What are Help Pages?

Help Pages bring all of Helpfruit’s language understanding, search and matching intelligence to your help pages, for a better, more helpful experience.

Help Pages include:

  • Q&A - the same Q&A used in your chatbot, presented on a web page
  • Articles - longer form help content
  • Question and keyword-based search
  • Tag-based browsing

How do I set up Help Pages?

To set up your Help Pages, go to Configuration > Help Pages in the Helpfruit Bot portal and toggle the Enabled switch.

Help Pages location

Set up the location of your Help Pages - this can be:

  • Helpfruit-hosted on a specified subdomain (eg
  • Mapped to an external domain (eg - additional setup required

You can set up your pages on a Helpfruit hosted subdomain initially, and move it to your own site later, if you wish.

Help Pages configuration

Complete the settings fields:

  1. Tab name - the text that will appear in your Help Pages browser tab
  2. Page title
  3. Page subtitle
  4. Homepage URL - the URL of your main website
  5. URL display text (optional)

Help Pages theme

To customise the look and feel of your Help Pages, navigate to the Theme tab, where you can: 

Upload your logo

  • displayed top left on your Pages
  • 40 px height, dynamic width
  • jpg or png format

Upload a background image

  • optional, displayed behind the page title and search bar
  • jpg or png format
  • For best results, we recommend selecting a graphic or image in landscape format, approx 3.5x wider than it is high, to accommodate a range of display sizes

Specify your colours

  • optional background overlay colour (don't forget to adjust the opacity too)
  • primary colour - for link text, hover states, buttons & icons
  • font colour - main text colour

Specify your preferred font family

  • match your website/other branding
  • eg Arial, Verdana, Tahoma

Restricting access to Help Pages

Restrict access to your Help Pages to members of your organisation by enabling Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD) login. This can be useful if you use Helpfruit for internal support/helpdesk/HR scenarios.

Users will be prompted to log in using their Microsoft work account before they can access your Help Pages.

Configuring Access settings

To set up restricted access Pages, toggle Access settings on, and enter your organisation's UPN domain - the domain your Azure account is linked to. Typically, this is the part after the @ in an email address.

Depending on your organisation's AD settings, an AD Admin may need to approve the first login to Pages. It may also be possible to limit access to specific user groups, again depending on your AD setup.

Please get in touch if you need any help with this.

