
Language support in Helpfruit

Maintain your bot in English, while it speaks to your customers in their language.

Helpfruit has the latest machine translation built in. This makes it easy to support your customers via chat, whatever language they speak.

How does Helpfruit translation work?

All Helpfruit chatbots are created and maintained in English. But if you have language support enabled, your customers can chat to your bot in any language. Machine translation (which works pretty well these days!) takes care of the translation, in both directions, in real time.

Enabling language support 

Language support is a premium plan feature. To enable language support in your Helpfruit chatbot, navigate to the Features Control tab in the Helpfruit portal and toggle language support. 

Language support message

You can optionally add a Language support message that appears after the welcome message, e.g. - 

Remember that if your bot appears on other channels - e.g. Instagram, WhatsApp - there is no menu to change language so you will need to adjust your messaging accordingly.

How do users change language?

There are a few ways that users can change the language of the chatbot.

1. Say hello in their language

2. Via the settings menu

Note that this option is only available via webchat (i.e. not on social media channels etc)

3. Via an engagement button 

Clicking the button changes the bot conversation to the selected language. You can set this up via engagements 

4. Using GPT to detect language

Ask us to enable GPT enhancement and include language support in the prompt. In this scenario, if a user says something to the bot in a different language, the bot will ask them if they would like to change language - e.g. - 


